Are Bible-Believing Christians Dangerous?
A Bible-believing Christian is a fundamentalist devoted to the fundamental law of love.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 43
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” Matthew 5:43-44
Our society increasingly thinks this is true. Bible-believing Christians are dangerous because we are labelled ‘fundamentalists.’ In our society ‘fundamentalism’ is the new bad guy. Poor you if you get called a fundamentalist because there isn’t anything worse they can say about you. If people think you’re a fundamentalist there isn’t any comeback. If you get labelled a fundamentalist no one has to listen to you, no one has to think about what you say, you’re just wrong and dumb fullstop.
In the past the bad guys were ‘communists’ (if you lived in the ‘West’). If you go even further back the bad guys were the Nazis. Now, fundamentalists are the bad guys. Its not just that fundamentalists are wrong, they are dangerous to other people. A fundamentalist will act without any rational thought slavishly doing what they are told. The media is full of acts of horrific violence committed by religious fundamentalists.
So is fundamentalism really dangerous? Of course it can be! But it totally depends on what your fundamentals are. Before you think a fundamentalist is dangerous you have to find out what their fundamentals are.
A ‘fundamental’ is another way of saying ‘the bottom line’. It means the most basic truths that you, as a fundamentalist, are devoted to and not prepared to depart from no matter what.
You can see why a religious fundamentalist can be dangerous. Imagine a religion that was devoted to someone who was violent. If the founder of that religion literally killed people for his cause then anyone who seriously follows that leader might become a dangerous fundamentalist and also commit acts of violence.
Fundamentalism isn’t just religious. The atheist Stalin fundamentally believed that there is no objective way to attribute intrinsic value to people, so he killed millions for a ‘good’ cause.
But Biblical Christianity is so radically different. As Jesus taught in the verses above, the fundamental Jesus teaches is love. A Bible-believing Christian is absolutely devoted to the fundamental of love. Under no circumstances ever, no matter what, is a Christian allowed to depart from this fundamental.
Christians don’t have to agree with our society on the new sexual ethics, nor with termination of life for convenience, nor with the solutions people who suffer from gender dysphoria turn to, but we must love every single person – with no exceptions. As Jesus makes clear, even when we are attacked, we stick to our fundamentals: love.
How? Because that’s how Jesus loved us. This is the way Jesus loved you! Jesus loved you when you were His enemy. Jesus was such a committed fundamentalist, He came to earth and lay down His life for you – because He would not stop loving you. His fundamental did not drive Him to commit violence, His fundamental led Him to be a willing victim of violence.
Nothing will stop Jesus from sticking to His fundamental: “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.” Go into society and be a fundamentalist like Jesus.