The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind
What lies hidden in our hearts is exposed when the winds of providence blow.
Getting God’s Attention
Logically, perfection can never accept imperfection. Relying on Jesus guarantees our acceptance with God.
The Wind Blows Where It Blows
What a great relief it is to know that we are not in control.
War Achieves More Than Peace
False prophets promise peace to those living at peace with sin.
No One Can Live For Two Worlds
Either we try to have heaven on earth or, we live for heaven while on earth.
Why Are Some Christians So Afraid
Christians don't need to fight for themselves or flee. God is all the refuge we need.
My Life Feels Like Bad Music – Out Of Tune
The ‘bad’ things in our lives are part of God’s perfect orchestra.
No One Really Cares About Me!
God cares for us personally - not for anything He gets from us.
The Best Shepherd Dies For His Sheep
God commands the Shepherd to be struck because when the Shepherd dies, the sheep are cleansed!
What Is God Doing In Me?
The same Holy Spirit who formed the Holy One in Mary's womb, is forming Christ in you!