Spiritual Growth and Reflection Living Is More Dangerous Than Dying

Living Is More Dangerous Than Dying

The Spirit says life (not just death) will not separate us from God’s love in Jesus Christ.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?… No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life… will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:37-39)”

Religion makes it very hard to please God. I mean, how good do I actually have to be for God to be pleased with me? Who can please God, He’s seen it all. And even if I was extremely good, why would that please Him anyway?

The word ‘please’ comes from the Latin ‘placere’ which essentially means to delight in something, to take pleasure in an object. So how profound is the fact that Enoch pleased God! How can any man please God?

Imagine God on His Throne surveying the Universe. He sees it all; dark matter, the billions of nuclear fusions that power the Sun and countless other stars. God sees planet Earth – the blue planet – with its vast body of water teeming with so much life we still haven’t discovered it all. Think of earth’s vast covering of vegetation; the swarming life in billions of shapes and sizes. And yet, the All-Seeing God is pleased with a man! The one creature that doesn’t fit! The one creature that ruins everything else, including himself.

Nothing that happens to your body is dangerous compared to being cut-off from God’s love. The horrible things that happen to your body (and will happen eventually), can only kill you. Being divorced from God’s love is an awful state of the human soul that lasts forever. There is no horror like being forsaken by the God who is love. Once we realise that this is the greatest danger the human being will ever face, we can then understand why ‘life’ is so dangerous. Why?

Because it is more likely to be ‘life’ that turns the human soul away from God than dying. Life is dangerously full of pleasures, money, sex, entertainment, sport, holidays, children – things that aren’t bad in themselves – but they can turn us away from God. If we love these things more than God they can kill us even while our bodies are healthy!

People who were too busy living to think about God in life often think of Him when they are dying. Almost all people pray some sort of prayer when dying. This is why living is more dangerous than dying.

The incredible comfort for Christians is that the Holy Spirit says, ‘neither death nor life’ will separate us from the love of God!’ How comforting this is! Today, most of us will be so busy living our day we may not even be able to think about God. Don’t worry. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, even your busiest day will not separate you from God’s love! Life itself will not separate you from God’s love.

How secure it is to be loved by God in Jesus Christ!

Where to find us

Grace Community

Connolly Community Centre
5 Glenelg Pl, Connolly Western Australia